5email.net 6email.net 05email.com Direct web login
Server Name: outlook.office365.com
Port: 993
Encryption method: TLS
Server Name: smtp.office365.com
Port: 587
Encryption method: STARTTLS
Server - imap.mail.yahoo.com
Port - 993
Requires SSL - yes
Outgoing mail (SMTP) server
Server - smtp.mail.yahoo.com
Port - 465 or 587
Requires SSL - yes
Certification required - yes
your login information
Email Address - Your full email address (name@domain.com)
Password - the password for your account
Certification required - yes
Incoming mail (IMAP) server
• Server - export.imap.aol.com
• Port - 993
• SSL required - yes
Outgoing mail (SMTP) server
• Server - smtp.aol.com
• Port - 465
• SSL required - yes
• Authentication required - yes
Outgoing Server Name: smtp.zoho.com
Port: 465, SSL or
Port: 587, TLS
Require Authentication: Yes
Incoming Server Name: imap.zoho.com
Port: 993
Require SSL: Yes
Username: username@zoho.com
Incoming Server Name: pop.zoho.com
Port: 995
Require SSL: Yes
Username: username@zoho.com
imap.zoho.eu 993 ssl
smtp.zoho.eu 465 ssl
pop.zoho.eu 995 ssl
imap.zoho.in 993 ssl
pop.zoho.in 995 ssl
imap.zoho.com.au 993 ssl
smtp.zoho.com.au 465 ssl
pop.zoho.com.au 995 ssl
Server: NL101.vfemail.net
POP Port: 110 (or 995 with SSL enabled)
IMAP Port: 143 (or 993 with SSL enabled)
SMTP Port: 587 (or 465 with SSL enabled)
SMTP Authentication MUST be enabled
SMTP smtp.rambler.ru SSL 465
POP3 pop.rambler.ru SSL 995
IMAP imap.rambler.ru SSL (993) STARTTLS (143)
IMAP imap.gmail.com Port: 993 Use SSL: Yes
SMTP smtp.gmail.com Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587 Port for SSL: 465
Server Data for IMAP:
IMAP-Server imap.gmx.com
SMTP-Server mail.gmx.com